Years ago I worked with a woman whose desk was always in disarray. Papers would be strewn everywhere, Post-It notes were stuck everywhere, and there’d always be an empty paper coffee cup or mug with … [Read more...]
Representing Your Spouse at Work Events
A friend of mine recently returned from a business trip with several of her colleagues, including her boss and his wife. There were several dinners and sightseeing excursions planned most nights, so … [Read more...]
What Signals Are You Sending in a Job Interview?
I just stumbled upon a fascinating survey of 2,000 bosses which revealed the common non-verbal mistakes people can make in a job interview. Apparently, the average job interview lasts 40 minutes, but … [Read more...]
When “Good” Customer Service Goes Bad
A friend of mine recently opened up a new bank account. The bank employee was helpful, but spent most of the time chit-chatting about upcoming travel plans and “watercooler topics” while inputting my … [Read more...]
Subtle Acts of Being Uncivil
When people think of the word “uncivil,” they generally imagine its most extreme form—belligerence, shouting, chaos, and blatant rudeness. But what we’re far more likely to encounter in our day-to-day … [Read more...]