So much of our communication these days is through text or social media. We share selfies, retweet memes, and tick “like” on content we enjoy. It’s all very informal and fun. Still, we should be … [Read more...]
Are You Sabotaging Your Emails?
We send countless emails each day, and yet, many of us may not think too much about the wording we use. Sure, you've proofread and run everything through spellcheck, but are you checking to see if … [Read more...]
The Japanese Art Of Power Napping
Think you have it hard? The average Japanese worker gets just six hours and 22 minutes of sleep on a worknight, the lowest of any country. According to a study by the US National Sleep Foundation, … [Read more...]
Taking Personal Responsibility
A friend of mine runs a small business with just two employees, one of whom is hard-working and loyal, but prone to complete carelessness. For instance, she has lost her office keys several … [Read more...]
Is A Messy Desk Actually A Good Thing?
Always nagging at your employees to clean up their desks? Turns out their clutter could actually be a good thing—really! A new study from Germany suggests that messy desks could actually encourage … [Read more...]