It just wouldn’t be Christmas without a gift or two that we could seriously do without. For instance, a woman I know gets irritated every year because her mother-in-law always buys her children … [Read more...]
My Holiday Card Pet Peeve
Christmas is just over a week away and the holiday cards have been piling up. I just have one minor quibble: the lack of impersonal notes! So many of the cards I’ve received simply have the person … [Read more...]
Giving Back This Holiday Season
All I've heard this morning is Black Friday this and Cyber Monday that. I'm all for a good bargain and goodness knows I love to shop, but is this really what the holidays are all about? The more I … [Read more...]
Holiday Shopping Etiquette
I love shopping, but the manic post-Thanksgiving crush at the mall can make anyone’s head spin. In their pursuit of rock-bottom savings, frenzied shoppers have been known to get agitated and stressed … [Read more...]