I’ve just been reading about a professional wedding photographer who has been lashing out at certain guests. Why? Because, he claims, they are ruining weddings, and making his job harder, by taking their own photos on smartphones.
He cited a recent wedding shot in which the groom could not see his bride walking down the aisle because several guests were standing up and blocking the view as they took their own snaps. I’ve seen this at a lot of weddings and hadn’t thought much about it, but of course the photographer is right. The couple have hired a professional wedding photographer, so it’s best to let him or her get the best shots. And isn’t it much more important for the groom to see his bride for the first time than for some guest to pad out his or her Instagram profile?
A couple I know is getting married next summer, and they’ve asked guests to refrain from bringing out their phones during the ceremony. More casual events like the reception are fine for photos, as it’s the fun, unscripted moments that couples want to remember. Just don’t be the one getting up in the couple’s face as they try to enjoy their first dance. It’s not about you! They’ve hired a professional so that their guests can relax and enjoy the day. Respect that.