A friend of mine has a saying: “Don’t loan anything you aren’t prepared to lose.” She learned this the hard way after loaning out several books and DVDs to friends who never bothered to return them. … [Read more...]
A Plea To Smokers
Atlanta, where I live, is very strict when it comes to smoking. Smoking is banned in public parks, and I seldom see many people puffing away these days. Of course, that’s not to say people don’t … [Read more...]
Teaching Your Children Civility
Yesterday, my friend was flying back from her beach vacation. Flying is rarely pleasant, but it seemed that everywhere she went, unruly children were wreaking havoc and chaos and doing their best to … [Read more...]
When’s The Last Time You Were Neighborly?
A friend of mine just moved into a new house and accidentally got locked out the other day. She called her husband right away, but he was in a meeting and, with the drive home, it would be close to … [Read more...]
Remembering The Good
I don’t think I’m alone in thinking that last week was one of the scariest in recent memory—the terror of the Boston Marathon, a huge explosion in Texas, a door-to-door search for a terrorist… it all … [Read more...]