After contributing a chapter on technology etiquette to “Executive Image Power,” which came out this June, I had the pleasure of co-authoring a second book with three fellow Atlanta businesswomen. The working title is “Opportunity Meets Motivation: Lessons from Four Women who Built Passion into Their Careers and Lives” and is expected to debut in early 2010. This book is part biography, part how-to guide to give valuable insight into how to transform your career and start your own business without making the mistakes that we made. (Hey, what’s a journey without a few bumps in the road?)
I’m thrilled to have the opportunity to share my experiences with a wider audience, and truly believe that success is possible for anyone who has enough determination. Take me. After being laid off from my corporate job a few years ago, I turned lemons into lemonade and used my newfound freedom as an impetus to finally start the business I’d long dreamed of. And here I am!
I’d love to share a short excerpt from the book, which covers a wide range of topics relevant to carving out a successful, professional business image. This excerpt comes from our style section:
“Style is not about beauty, age, size, wealth or even fashion. It’s about knowing and respecting yourself for who you are and having the confidence to discover and project a unique style in a consistent and confident manner. Sounds complicated, doesn’t it? It isn’t once you understand it. Style is how you express yourself, not only in the way you dress, but also how you talk, move your body, or do anything for that matter. It’s often innate, but it can be learned. Think of people you admire or who are often in the news, e.g. Michelle Obama, Donald Trump, Paris Hilton, and Gordon Brown. Do you discern their sense of style? What does their style–or lack thereof–convey about them?”
Stay tuned for more excerpts and details!